[Trial] 超自然超舒服1 Day Con |Most comfortable 1 Day color con found! | OLENS – Double Tint
Olens嘅Color Con都已經推介咗無數次,但今次Double Tint真係更值得推介!!!因為真係好舒服好自然!我平時戴開月拋ViviRing多,今次試戴嘅Double Tint採用Puscon物料。Puscon係美國認可物料, 親和人體物料設計係平時做人工心臟或血管手術必要嘅材料,所以作為隱形眼鏡係非常舒適及安全咖!呢樣革命性嘅材料仲有非離子特性,可以有效防止蛋白質沉澱,唔容易黏附異物,可以保持雙眼清潔舒適,預防細菌滋生。更有防UV功能,高效阻隔UVA及UVB,減少眼睛負擔,足以應付日常外出或戶外活動。
I have been recommending Olens contact lens many times, but this is the most comfortable one I have ever tried, it is Olens new collection – Double Tint. I usually wear ViviRing, Double tint material is way more better, because it use Puscon. We can say Puscon is the safest, as it is bio material which capable of inserting into human bodies for artificial heart or blood vessel. And the hydrophilic molecular structure reduces the dryness of our eyes keep our eyes moisture! Puscon material also prevent protein deposition, so it make us much more comfortable. Last but no least, Puscon has strong UV-block function, which are perfect material for summer outdoor activities!
Double Tint嘅顏色非常自然,分別有啡色同埋灰色,而且係我最鐘意嘅12.9mm D.GIA,只係虹膜範圍變色,戴上眼非常自然,即使素顏戴都唔會覺得好奇怪。
The colour of Double Tint are very natural, they are brown or grey. And it’s only with 12.9mm D.GIA, only changing colour with the iris area. It still look good even without any makeup.
由今日去到2023/01/18, Double Tint仲有15% Off,大家有興趣可以去https://www.olensglobal.com/選購呀!
From today to 2023/01/18, Double Tint is doing new launching 15% off, let’s click here to order!
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