[Trial] 新世代代言人 NewJeans / 超舒適月拋Con – OLENS Double Tints
I love Kpop very much, since I fall into it in 2009, I cannot stop listening to Kpop song. But it’s been really a while for me to update my song list, when I first hear that NewJeans become OLENS new ambassador, I wonder if I know them. And I was wrong, I knew them, and I listen to their songs too!
OLENS as the leader of Korea Color Contact Lenses Company is really amazing, and they branded with the top idols of Korea! NewJeans debuted in Jul 2022, but already had a lot of achievements. These 5 little girls are really brilliant, can’t tell that their average age is only 16 year old.

上次分享過超級好戴嘅Double Tint 1 Day Con,NewJeans嘅Hanni &MinJi都有戴呀!
The Double Tint 1 Day Con I shared last time, NewJeans’ Hanni and Minji also wear, these are really comfortable!

同同款One Day隱形眼鏡一樣,都係採用Puscon物料。Puscon係美國認可物料, 親和人體物料設計係平時做人工心臟或血管手術必要嘅材料,所以作為隱形眼鏡係非常舒適及安全咖!
Same as Double Tint One Day Con, the monthly one also use Puscon. We can say Puscon is the safest, as it is bio material which capable of inserting into human bodies for artificial heart or blood vessel. And the hydrophilic molecular structure reduces the dryness of our eyes keep our eyes moisture! Puscon material also prevent protein deposition, so it make us much more comfortable.

Double Tint月拋同日拋一樣,分別有啡色同埋灰色,上眼非常自然,即使素顏戴都唔會覺得好奇怪。
Same as the One day con, monthly Double Tint also come with brown or grey. It still look natural even without any makeup.
而家為咗興祝NewJeans成為新代言人,OLENS有BLOOMING SPRING 優惠,有八五折呀!記得check out 時用”NJ15″。另外仲有Giveaway,送出CARIN嘅太陽眼鏡呀!
In order to celebrate NewJeans as new ambassador, OLENS is having a BLOOMING SPRING PROMOTION, remember to check out with “NJ15” to get 15% Off! And don’t forget the giveaway contest which will gift out 10 pairs of CARIN sun glasses.

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