[YL Fact] 薰衣草精油 Lavender Essential Oil
薰衣草是最多才多藝的,是最被人認可和被人喜愛的精油之一。 Young Living有兩種薰衣草精油 – 分別是薰衣草精油(Lavender Essential Oil)和薰衣草活力精油Lavender Vitality™ essential oil。它們是Young Living其中最受歡迎的一種精油,並且都以其多功能性,風味和香味而聞名。薰衣草是完美的入門精油,也是經驗豐富的精油用家的最愛。
– 可以使人冷靜,平伏偶爾的神經緊張
– 支持一個無憂的狀態
– 有著放鬆/平靜的特性
– 平衡身心平靜
– 令人平靜的香氣,可以幫助澄清心靈
– 清潔和舒緩輕微的皮膚過敏
– 舒緩曬後肌膚的不適
– 減少皮膚瑕疵
– 用作清潔皮膚和頭髮
– 增強年輕膚色
– 支持老化的皮膚
– 擴香薰衣草能令人放鬆,可以作為睡前例行程序的一部分。
– 在睡前添加幾滴薰衣草到枕頭,床上用品或腳底。
– 將薰衣草和水在玻璃噴霧瓶中混合併在表面上噴灑,以清潔衣櫥,床墊或汽車。
– 添加幾滴到羊毛球,在烘乾機衣物時增添清新的氣味。
– 在漫長的一天之後,加入幾滴在溫水浴中。
– 將薰衣草加到無香味化妝水,面霜和保濕產品中
– 使用在乾燥皮膚上
– 自製果醬時可以利用薰衣草活力精油為食物帶來額外的香氣。
– 將幾滴薰衣草活力精油添加到您最喜愛的檸檬水中。
– 將3-5滴薰衣草活力精油與3-5滴薄荷活力精油結合在一個小玻璃噴霧瓶中,製成自製的口腔噴霧劑。
薰衣草精油儲存在薰衣草(Lavendula angustifolia)頂部的腺狀“口袋”中。為了得到精油,我們收集薰衣草植物原料,並使用蒸汽蒸餾法從花中提取精油。 Young Living有三個薰衣草種植農場 – 分別位於猶他州,愛達荷州和法國。薰衣草精油是40多種Young Living產品中的關鍵成份,包括用於複方精油,個人護理品和KidScents®系列。
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Everything you need to know about Lavender
Lavender is one of the most versatile, recognized and loved essential oils. Young Living has two Lavender oils-Lavender essential oil and Lavender Vitality™ essential oil. They are some of Young Living’s most popular oils, and both are well known for their versatility, flavor, and fragrance. Lavender is the perfect introductory oil and is also a favoriteamong seasoned oil users.
What are the benefits of Lavender essential oil?
– Promotes feelings of calm and fights occasional nervous tension
– May support a worry-free outlook
– Relaxing/calming properties
– Balancing properties that calm the mind and body
– Calming aroma to help clear and clarify the mind
– Cleanses and soothes minor skin irritations
– Soothing to the skin after a day in the sun
– Reduces the appearance of blemishes
– Cleansing to the skin and hair
– Enhances the appearance of a youthful complexion
-Supports aging skin
There are so many ways to incorporate Lavender essential oil into your life. Here are some of our favorite uses:
-Diffuse Lavender for the perfect relaxing environment or as a part of your bedtime routine.
-Add a few drops of Lavender to pillows, bedding, or bottoms of feet at bedtime.
-Freshen your linen closet, mattress, or car by combining Lavender with water in a glass spray bottle and spritzing over surfaces.
-Add a few drops to organic wool dryer balls to add a fresh scent to your laundry.
-Add a few drops to your warm bath after a long day.
-Complement your beauty routine by adding Lavender to non-scented lotions, creams, and moisturizers.
-Apply it to dry skin after being outdoors.
Using Lavender Vitality is also a great option to utilize the benefits of Lavender. Use Lavender Vitality for things like:
-Bake with Lavender Vitality! There are endless possibilities when used in everyday cooking.
-Are you a pro at making homemade jams? Lavender Vitality will give your recipe the extra burst of flavor you are looking for.
-Add a few drops of Lavender Vitality to your favorite lemonade.
-Make a homemade sweet and minty mouth spray by combining 3-5 drops of Lavender Vitality with 3-5 drops of Peppermint Vitality in a small glass spray bottle.
There are about 30 different species of lavender that are grown and harvested in countries all over the globe. Historically, the lavender plant has been used for 2,500 years and was even found in the tombs of the Egyptians. Research also shows that the Romans and Greeks used lavender as perfume and to clean their clothing. Today, lavender is a common ingredient in many perfumes, soaps, fresheners, and beauty products.
Lavender essential oil is stored in glandular-like “pockets” in the flowering tops of the Lavandula angustifolia plant. To get the essential oil, we collect the lavender plant material and use steam distillation to extract the essential oil from the flower. Young Living has three farms where lavender is grown and harvested-Utah, Idaho, and France. This oil is a key component in more than 40 Young Living products, including essential oil blends, personal care, and our KidScents® line.
Do you use Lavender? What’s your favorite way to use it?
Want to try Lavender Essential Oil? Please visit https://www.myyl.com/bymilly
Want to try Lavender Essential Oil? Please visit https://www.myyl.com/bymilly
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