小資女、人妻、孕婦、媽媽都盛讚的全天然礦物彩妝 – Savvy Minerals
點解要轉用Savvy Minerals?我自己早於懷第一胎時就已經停用香水,轉用性質天然無毒嘅護膚品及化妝品😇因為我怕有害物質會影響胎兒發展🙈當時我未用Young Living,所以彩妝品當然未係用Savvy Minerals啦,但我都有上網搵啲大牌子嘅礦物彩妝產品,所以我用礦物彩妝嘅年資都有5-6年咖!Savvy Minerals真係比市面一般礦物彩妝好用,真心推介!
咁究竟Savvy Minerals有咩過人之處呢?大家可以參考下以下依個譯文~
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改用YoungLiving® Savvy Minerals的八大理由!
1. Young Living的Savvy Minerals採用絕對潔淨的成分配製而成,不含填充劑。市面產有林林種種的礦物彩妝產品,它們都含有礦物質,這些礦物質很好,可惜仍然含有滑石等填料,這些填料已被證明具有致癌性。商業化妝品生產線中使用的許多化學品對內分泌系統有害。 Young Living產品的Savvy Minerals不含鉍,鄰苯二甲酸鹽,對羥基苯甲酸酯,石化產品或合成香料。相對地Savvy Minerals的礦物粉含有礦物質外,有的是白楊樹皮提取物和高嶺土,這可令皮膚光滑,卻不含有害成分。
2. Young Living的Savvy Minerals非常適合敏感肌膚。因為礦物彩妝不含刺激性化學成分,所以它不會像含有化學物質的化妝品一樣刺激皮膚。這使得Young Living的Savvy Minerals適合所有年齡段,從青少年到熟齡肌膚。
3.Savvy Minerals礦物彩妝產品由非納米粒子礦物質製成。這意味著礦物質不足以進入您的細胞和血液,所以不會對人體有害。不論是任何礦物質或任何物質如果是納米粒子的體積,都可能對人具有潛在危險。納米顆粒是尺寸範圍為1至100納米的微觀顆粒。它們非常小,大約有100,000顆納米顆粒適合人類頭髮的寬度!由於這些顆粒的尺寸非常小,顆粒的性能可能比最多,但它們也很小,以至於它們可以通過細胞膜甚至進入血液。

4. Young Living的Savvy Minerals是絕對動物友好的。這不僅僅是關於我們的身體健康和美貌,Young Living的Savvy Minerals對我們的動物朋友來說更好!Savvy Minerlas沒有經過動物測試,所有產品均採用素食或純素食配方!事實上,除了含有蜂蠟的口紅外,Young Living產品的所有Savvy Minerals都有純素配方。(Milly:就連Savvy Minerals那套超柔軟的化妝掃都是素食者可用,因為是意大利的人造纖維做的)
5. Savvy Minerals的持久性很好。因為礦物粉會與油結合,而傳統的液體粉底則與水結合。Savvy Minerals的配方允許礦物質與皮膚中表面的油份結合,所以可以提供全天的持久性。
6. 使用Savvy Mineral一點也不難!先使用Savvy Minerals Misting Spray噴粉底掃,然後沾上礦物粉底,然後便可以塗上面。Savvy Minerals Misting Spray並不是一種定型噴霧,它的設計是要輕輕潤濕您的刷子,令化妝掃可以更容易地沾上礦物粉底,防止礦物質脫落,並確保順利塗抹在皮膚上。當然在使用礦物粉底之前,可以先利用保濕或啞光妝前乳塗抹在臉部,這將有助增加礦物彩妝的持久性。
8. 礦物彩妝是可以變化多端的,你可以自由組合不用產品以及混合你的顏色!粉底Dark No.可以變成打陰影輪廓的; 眼影Crushin’和Spoiled可以拿來做腮紅; 眼影Residual可以用作打亮!你也可以使用濕潤的化妝掃去沾眼影,與干燥地使用相同顏色可以獲得完全不同的顏色!甚至將粉底與保濕霜混合,製成有色保濕霜。將古銅色與乳液混合,用於曬太陽的雙腿。使用MultiTasker去遮蓋髮線。有著無限種可能!
每個Savvy Minerals by Young Living產品都以質量,純度和安全性為基礎,所以真的要為了自己,考慮選擇更好的東西!
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Eight reasons to switch to Savvy Minerals by Young Living® makeup! You can still get your make-up 25% off until Friday!
1. Savvy Minerals by Young Living is formulated with clean ingredients and no fillers. Many mineral makeup lines contain minerals, which are good, but still contains fillers like talc that have been shown to be carcinogenic. Many of the chemicals used in commercial makeup lines are harmful to the endocrine system. Savvy Minerals by Young Living products are formulated without bismuth, phthalates, parabens, petrochemicals, or synthetic fragrances. Our mineral powders contain minerals, aspen bark extract, and kaolin clay to provide smooth and polished skin without harmful ingredients.
2. Savvy Minerals by Young Living is great for sensitive skin. Because our mineral makeup is formulated without harsh chemicals ingredients, it won’t irritate your skin like chemical-laden cosmetics. This makes Savvy Minerals by Young Living perfect for all ages, from teens to golden years.
3. Savvy Minerals by Young Living mineral makeup is made with non-nanoparticle minerals. This means the minerals are not small enough to get into your cells and bloodstream where they can potentially cause damage. Any mineral, or any substance, can be potentially dangerous if it is a nanoparticle. A nanoparticle is a microscopic particle with sizes ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers. They are so tiny that about 100,000 nanoparticles would fit in the width of a human hair! Because of the extremely small size of these particles, their properties can be very different from the properties of larger particles of the same material. For example, nanoparticles are generally more reactive than standard-sized particles. This high level of reactivity may make nanoparticles unpredictable in living things. They are not only very reactive, but they are also so small that they can pass through cell membranes and even enter the bloodstream.
4. Savvy Minerals by Young Living is cruelty-free. It’s not just about our physical health and good looks, Savvy Minerals by Young Living is better for our animal friends! Our makeup is not tested on animals, and all of the products have vegetarian or vegan-friendly formulas! In fact, all Savvy Minerals by Young Living products have a vegan formula except for the lipsticks that contain beeswax.
5. Savvy Minerals by Young Living provides all-day, long lasting coverage. Mineral makeup binds to oil while conventional liquid makeup binds to water. Our mineral formulas allow the minerals to bind to the oil in your skin and give you natural, all-day coverage.
6. Savvy Minerals by Young Living provides easy application. How many of you have heard, “I like the idea of mineral makeup, but it’s too hard to apply.” If you think it’s hard, you’re applying it the wrong way! Using the Savvy Minerals Misting Spray, a foundation brush, and applying minerals to a freshly primed face makes a huge difference in coverage. The Misting Spray is not meant to be a setting spray, it was designed to lightly wet your brush so it can pick up minerals easier, prevent mineral fall out, and ensure a smooth application. Before you apply your minerals, priming your face with our Hydrating or Mattifying Primers will help the minerals bind to your face and last longer.
7. Savvy Minerals by Young Living provides a buildable look. Our mineral makeup is perfect for when you have five minutes and are going for a natural look or when you have more time and want a bold, dramatic look. The minerals layer and build on each other, so it’s great for a natural, dramatic, or anything in between look. You can layer eyeshadows, blush, bronzer, and foundation as dark or light as you want.
8. Savvy Minerals by Young Living provides great versatility. Mix and match your products! Minerals are so versatile that you can mix and match products, as well as blend your colors together! Dark No. 2 foundation makes a great contour; Crushin’ and Spoiled eyeshadow shades looks great as blush; and Residual eyeshadow shade can be used as a highlighter! You can apply your makeup wet, also known as foiling, and get a totally different color compared to when you apply the same color dry! Make a tinted moisturizer by mixing foundation with your moisturizer. Mix a bronzer with lotion for sun-kissed legs. Use MultiTasker as a root coverup. The options are endless!
Each Savvy Minerals by Young Living product is created with quality, purity, and safety in mind, so you can feel great about what you are putting on your face and your look. Make the switch to something better!
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